The Jacksonville, Orlando, and Tampa Chapters of the Federal Bar Association offer litigants proceeding in federal court without lawyers an opportunity to meet with lawyers to ask general questions about procedures governing cases in federal court. The lawyers may not provide legal advice and may not represent the litigants.
- To make an appointment with the Jacksonville Division's Legal Information Program, call the Clerk's Office at (904) 549-1900.
- For the Orlando Division's Legal Information Program, schedule an appointment online by clicking here.
- For the Tampa Division's Legal information Program, call the Clerk's Office at (813) 301-5400
- For more information about the program, see the brochures below after each division's information.
Jacksonville Division
Orlando Division
11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.
Tampa Division
1:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m.